Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Can We Just Be Friends?

Swimmer's Rash!
Swimming in a beautiful lake... and getting swimmer's itch.

Dear Summer,

You kind of sucked this year. Don't get me wrong, there were some high points. Our vacation was really, really nice. We camped, we swam, we went to the splash park and zoo. All that fun stuff was, you know, fun. It was the normal day-to-day stuff that ground me down. The unrelenting heat and humidity. Oh, the humidity. So humid that clothes hung out to dry were still damp after three days. So humid that mold attacked whatever it could in our closets. So humid that we've admitted defeat and began to collect quotes and save up to install central air conditioning.

Then there were the bugs. The mosquitoes have barely let us out the door of late. Our after dinner walks around the neighborhood ended in mid-August when we'd each come home with a half-dozen bites. In the house we've had the normal spiders, tons of flies, ants, so many earwigs, and *shudder* creepipedes (that link makes me shudder- why did I do that?). Not pleasant for someone with a bug phobia. Ahem.

This summer, my sweet little boy discovered the art of the tantrum.

There's been tension on both sides of the family as major unpleasant dramas have been unfolding.

BUT, today is September 1st. The school down the street started today. It's my birthday month. The temperature and humidity should start dropping. I know you don't officially end for another couple of weeks, Summer, but I'm declaring that I'm done with you. For me now it's Autumn. Season of freshly sharpened pencils and new beginnings. New projects, new activities, new attitude.

So Summer, see you next year. Try to mellow out before then.

Okay, okay. This evening was pretty sweet.

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